Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 7 - St. Ignace, MI to Newaygo, MI

For some reason no matter how early we wake up and get moving, it seems like we don't get on the road until around 10 or 11am. This morning was no exception. We were all showered and ready by 9:30, but then the boys decided to try and fix Dad's speedometer which has been broken this whole trip. After fiddling with that we headed in to town for gas and a stop at the local beach so we could dip our fingers in Lake Huron. We finally made it out of town around 10:45, geesh. Our first big adventure was right outside of St. Ignace...crossing the Mackinac Bridge, which is the third longest suspension bridge in the US. Just our luck that the outside, paved lane was closed for construction for a good strtech so we had to ride the inside lane which is steel grating. That's a very wobbly experience on two wheels but we made it across okay. We proceded to cruise the lower peninsula of Michigan, following the Lake Michigan coast line. We drove through lots of little resort towns that were packed with people enjoying the summer weather. It was sunny and warm all day today, which was a pleasant surprise because the weather channel had predicted thunder storms. It's nice when they're wrong in our favor :) We passed through several national forests on our tour, including the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Our route provided lots of twisties for us, much more than the rest of our trip so far. "Fat Bob" and I had a great time winding through the trees...weeee! I'm getting pretty attached to the ol' bike, it's going to stink to turn it in tomorrow :( We made a stop at the Point Betsie Light House for a butt break and photo opportunity. We took our 4th lake picture, dipping our fingers in a much-cleaner-than-yesterday Lake Michigan. Only one more to go, Lake Erie, and we'll do that when we get back to Ohio tomorrow. After our break at the beach we started heading inland through the Manistee Nat'l Forest and we saw several wild turkeys hanging out on the side of the road. We finally made it in to Newaygo, our stopping point for the day after putting 320 miles on the bikes. We had a great ride in the sunshine and tomorrow we head home to Ohio to finish off our trip.
Click here for pics from today.

By the way, Steve has two videos completed and ready to post, but we haven't had a strong enough wi-fi connection to get them uploaded. We should be able to get them up tomorrow once we get to Dad's.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good riding day! Cliff was waiting to hear what you thought about the Mackinac Bridge. He watched a program about it on Modern Marvels a couple of days ago. What a treat to go across it! If its any consolation, the grating is to reduce the wind forces on the bridge. Have a fun day tomorrow on your last leg! Will you go by Frankfort? Love, Momma

Anonymous said...

Only one day left?!? What am I going to do for my daily entertainment now? BTW ScooterFox, your affair with Fat Bob doesn't have to end now....only $16,000 and you can take him home with you! Glad you're all enjoying the trip. Ride safe. Love ya!

Beth Hikes said...

Sleeping Bear dunes is my favorite Michigan spot!! Glad you're having fun and having some adventures :)

Anonymous said...

Mike was glued to the computer every day. I hope you loved the Lake cabin

Anonymous said...

You are really brave - going across the bridge with the wavey steel bottom. I hate to go across even in a car. A couple of years ago I saw a TV show where they were showing how some people (even big rig drivers) are afraid to go across the bridge and they have volunteers who will drive the vehicle across for them. And, hey, I like your lap top case!!!!!