Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 3 - Espanola, Ontario to Wawa, Ontario

Well, we thought we were getting a late start to our day by getting out around 9:30am this morning. Boy were we wrong, our start was MUCH later than that. There was a couple on motorcycles staying at our motel and we were all chit chatting as we packed up our gear. As we hopped on our bikes and started to pull out, the woman noticed that Steve's back tire was really flat. Crap. Thankfully they had an air compressor with them so we pumped up his tire and headed in to town to the Yamaha dealer to see if they could fix it. We had to wait for an hour before they could even look at it, so we went across the street for some breakfast. When we headed back they took his bike in and found a nail in his tire. Three hours, several silly pictures in the parking lot, and $100 bucks later we were finally able to start our day of riding. It was 1pm when we hit the road and headed out of Espanola.
The drive in to Sault Ste Marie, our half way point for the day, had a lot of traffic and construction with little to no views of the lake. It was overcast the entire way so we pushed through, just wanting to get some miles under our belts after our delayed start. We stopped in Sault Ste Marie for lunch and gas and then hopped back on the bikes for the second part of our day. This section was the one everyone told us was so beautiful and they were definitely right. We drove through a National Park (Provincial Park, actually) and it was full of Evergreens, rocky cliffs, bluffs, rivers and LOTS of views of the lake. The road had sweeping curves that wound in and out of the hills and there wasn't much traffic at all. The only bummer to the drive was that it was so late in the afternoon and we were racing the sunset to try and get to our hotel before it was dark. There were Moose crossing signs everywhere and we were scanning the road sides as we cruised, hoping to avoid any incidents. We pulled over for some scenic spots and to dip our fingers in Lake Huron, and then once to put on more clothes, gloves, etc. as it was getting chilly as the road fell more in to the shadows.
We made it to our stop around 8:45pm, with a little bit of light left. We had booked a 2 bedroom cabin for us all to share and it's quite cute. We unloaded our bikes and walked over to the on site restaurant for some dinner. Now we're back, all cozy in our cabin and tucked in for the evening.
We put 285 miles on the bikes today, not bad for that late start we had. You can click here for pictures from today.

More tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Kristi you're a super hot biker chick!! Love the pics and it looks like tons of fun.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I wasn't able to respond sooner, long story, Hope all is going well eh. I'm still watching you're progress, but it's not looking good, but who knows I might just light my hair on fire and head north. Tool Dude

Anonymous said...

What a day! Glad you had some good riding at the end. Steve, you have to steer away from those nails! Ride like the wind, guys!! Love,Mom

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great trip so far. Now if Steve can keep his Yamaharley on the road, you'll have even more fun! Shoot me an email address that you can check from the road, and I'll send you some tunes for your vids.

Ride Hard!